Welcome to my blog!
I've been wanting to do this for a long time and finally did it! I'm super excited for this passion project of mine. This is a site for all things Disney - Disney theme parks, resorts, films, history (yes, academia) and more!
Later this year, I will be travelling to Orlando, Florida to visit the Happiest Place on Earth - Disneyworld! I will be documenting all the memories, including some planning tips and tricks on what to do to maximise your stay in a Disneyland/Disneyworld* Resort, from the perspective of a fellow Singaporean.
*yes there is a difference between the two, but we'll get into that in a later article
That's all for now, stay tuned and thank you for reading this far down. Now, as Mickey likes to say...
See ya real soon!
(photo taken from prepandemic times)